Jenni Griffin
Dean of APEX

I have served as the Dean of Advising, Planning & Experiential Learning (APEX) since 2016. As Dean of APEX, I lead a staff of professional educators who partner with students to enhance their growth by providing opportunities to integrate academics with co-curricular experiences and career skills development.
I have been in higher education for 30 years, serving as a faculty member, associate academic dean, and director of First Year Experience before coming to Wooster. I earned my PhD in experimental psychology with a specialization in Cognition, from Kent State University.
I love my work at the College because of the amazing positivity, creativity, and dedication of the APEX staff. I am energized by the curiosity, and adventurous nature of Wooster students.
Outside of work, I enjoy time with my family, capturing the beauty of sunrises and sunsets with a camera in hand, and birding.
Strengths: Input, Intellection, Learner, Arranger, Maximizer