Where I Went, What I Learned; Wooster Shares Their Transformative Travel Experiences – Dylan Findley

Dylan Findley: Visiting Assistant Professor of Music

“Human kindness transcends all boundaries.”

Where I Went:


Mongolia, South Korea, Japan

Why I Went:

Toured with Wind Symphony and had various cultural experiences and interactions with locals along the way.

What I Learned:

We met with young adults in Mongolia who brought us to the black market Naran Tuul. Our transportation there was in a stranger’s car without any identification (note: this was before Uber!). I learned that bythe time the Soviet Union collapsed, very few Mongolians had cars and many were in poverty. Understanding the value of transportation, those who owned cars would drive people where they needed to go for free. At some point, it became an informal taxi service, but the heart of the tradition came out goodwill service to others who were struggling. In all my travels, I have learned that compassion and kindness make a greater long-term impact on society for good than any other thing.

By Becky Webb
Becky Webb Pathways Program Coordinator, Peace Corps Prep Coordinator, GEO Admin. Coordinator