I studied Global Media and Digital Studies at Wooster with a Digital and Visual Storytelling Pathway. I was an Allen scholar, member of Delta Theta Psi (serving on exec my senior year), and a Digital studio consultant during my time at Wooster. I also worked with APEX career planning for my first 3 years as an Assessment team member. My junior year fall semester I studied abroad in Paris, and the Global Engagement Office was incredibly supportive of me.
I joined this Pathway because out of the wide and diverse classes I took, my favorite thing within each of them was the ability to be creative and tell stories, whether they were oral, textual, visual, or all of the above. I have always loved storytelling, and so this Pathway allowed me to continue pursuing what I loved while also opening my perspective to other people’s stories and experiences. I will carry this deep value everywhere no matter where I go or what I do.
My plans for after graduation are to take a gap year and a much needed break before attending graduate school to further my studies in something design related. I also hope to continue writing and will hopefully publish a book in a near future!